Adding a “safe haven” forum for discussion of tweaks?

I think we can all agree that threads about tweaks like fuses, stones, mats, power conditioners etc. stir up all kinds of controversy, conflict and ill will.


Short of banning discussion of these controversial topics, is there another solution to this problem?


I got this idea from teo_audio’s comments about a solution implemented at Canuck audio on another thread:


“Canuck audio tames it by having a cable and tweak area for threads. Where any counter to the idea that such things are functional (in attempt or in analysis), is not tolerated.


Meaning.. threads where people discuss tweaks, or mods or cables and so on, if a naysayer posts there, and interrupts the discussion, in any way, they get their posts deleted. And...if the given naysayer can’t hold their tongue, after said deletion-ish warnings..... they will, rapidly, via any repeats in behavior, find themselves banned from the forum. They have to grow up, or get lost.”


You may not like parts of his description, but I think the idea has real merit.


I propose a new “safe haven” sub-forum, with some special rules, for the discussion of tweaks. These rules would ONLY apply to this specific sub-forum, the current rules would continue as they are in all other areas.


The special rules would be along these lines:


Posts that categorically deny the possibility of tweaks having any effect or value are not allowed.


Posts proclaiming tweaks to be “scams” “cons” etc. are not allowed.


Posts that directly state, or imply, that another poster is lying, are not allowed.


Posts that make absolute negative statements like “Science proves it can’t work.” are not allowed.


Posts demanding measurements, controlled listening tests etc. are not allowed.


Posts that express skepticism (without making absolute negative statements), ask tough questions, or request more information are welcome.


Of course, some who hold the above opinions may object, but they would still be able to express those opinions in all other parts of the forum, just like they always have.


What do you think?


When, in reality, in science ’observation is king’. It’s the place where science starts, it starts with the observation. it is not the aim of science to debunk observation, it is the job of good science to flesh out some theories, testable ones, in the face of consistent observation.

I agree 100%, science is never settled, it is always in flux, and the second you claim that you know it all, especially at the expense of observation, it is no longer science, it has become religion.

The Cult of Science is the antithesis of the scientific mind, and it’s process.

The irony is extremely thick.

If it's any consolation, I consider myself to be a fairly open minded skeptic.  Open minded in that I am willing to consider that some things that others claim to hear just might be a reality in a system that surpasses the capability of my own.  Last night I put two very budget friendly power cables in my system just to satisfy my own curiosity.  To my surprise and delight, they made a significant improvement in my system that was far more than I could have expected.  I'm still not sure what I believe about power cables when it comes to one being better than another, but I've at least demonstrated to myself that they can make a significant improvement.  In my case I was two W Audio cables that are available on Amazon for under $40 each.  One is on my Pathos Classic One MkIII amplifier and the other is on my Maverick Audio TubeMagic D2 DAC.  The difference was obvious using my other source, so I know the power cord on the amplifier made a difference, it'll take more time to form an informed opinion on the other.


Been on forums for decades, I was a moderator for Audio asylum for the first couple of years back in the late 90’s.  
Best to learn how to read between the lines and to ignore some posts, then it is to complain about it..  

Many of these people have invested lots of money and time into their systems and think they have all the answers. There is a lot of good information and entertaining conversations at times. Best to just deal with it as it will never change. Just think of it as a bunch of colorful characters bursting at the seams to spread their knowledge. Enjoy the forum and the hobby, most of all.. the music.

I think if someone is a soothsayer or attacks someone with a cute sarcastic statement they need to support themselves with facts.  I think people need to express themselves and at times disagree with them.  They can be polite and also realize there are novices in this group that joined this group to learn.  If we lose this, we will lose the spirit of this discussion group.

Does anyone else find it weird just how many times and ways this kind of conversation comes up? Too many members here carrying baggage from past threads (like people in new relationships) on the ready to dump it on a post for the world to see. It only has to have a tangental relationship to what's being discussed and then it's, hey look, someone shat the carpet.

All the best,