Class A amps

I've read a few articles on class A amps but still don't have a good understanding of how it affects sound quality. I've even seen amps which can be swithced into class A mode or AB. Does anyone have experience with this type of unit? Does class A have a true audible advantage or can it be detected only by test instruments? If it is audible, in what resepects? Thanks, Rick M.

A great class A SS amp cannot be bettered, paraphrasing.
That’s true, when you discount the class D amps that best Class A.
I like to see/hear any class-d better the Gryphon Antillion (in 100w class-A) in the above post on the Alexia, I’d put my house on it.

Cheers George
@georgehifi… every single thread around this topic you bring up Wilson Alexias. Every, single, one. You describe the load of the Alexia as a 1 ohm load etc etc, and basically anything but a bi-polar amp, namely a Gryphon, has little to no chance of driving them. Your assertion is based on a discussion you had with John Atkinson on the original Alexia tests where he showed the load just under 2 ohms at 80hz with a -45° phase angle. Challenging load, but not crazy, and it is the load as specified by Wilson. However, you mentioned another test (that you pull your figures from) as the “evil” load you ALWAYS mention. Perhaps you should go back and read that original article where John challenges and disproves this test and states why. You failed to answer that post in the article, yet you continue to drive the narrative. Overall, I could really careless, but others might look to this, not read the article and thus not buy or perhaps overlook the Alexia. Time to pick another whipping post speaker. BTW, my Alexias are driven with Pass XA60.5’s currently, and not until about 90db does the needle even begin to fluctuate showing the amp reaching into the AB realm. The amps cruise along running about 50°c and don’t even blink. The Alexia, at 90db efficiency do require a bit of grunt, but are not the near impossible load you assert.
I think that would be a fun comparison. It would be a shame if you lost your house. Good thing I'm not a betting man.  ;)

every single thread around this topic you bring up Wilson Alexias
Because they are a classic for a heavy load on the amp even though efficient, and have been documented and measured in many article’s with graphs just for you. And if your driving them with a Pass XA60.5 sure they’ll work, but I can guarantee you, that you have not heard them at their best. Because the owner of the Alexia’s had the XA160 (mosfet) and it sounded good but they were quickly replaced by the Gryphon Antillion (bi-polar) once he heard the difference.

It would be a shame if you lost your house. Good thing I’m not a betting man. ;)
Don’t think there’s a chance that would happen, care to name the Class-D amp you think would better the Gryphon Antillion?

Cheers George
I submit the Legacy i.V4 Ultra for comparison to the Gryphon Antillion. The i.V4 Ultra is the best class D I have used, so that would be my choice.

I know you consider Pass Labs products as well designed, as do I. Yet, 3 Pass Labs amps, including the $42K Pass XA200.8 Monos, and the First Watt J2, all were bested by the i.V4 Ultra. I discuss this in my review at All of those falling to the Legacy i.V4 Ultra would sufficiently falsify your statement, "A great designed class-A solid state cannot be bettered."

Has anyone done this comparison (Legacy Audio i.V4 Ultra vs. Gryphon Antillion) in multiple systems? I would build approximately 8-12 systems to see how the amps would react across a spectrum of components and speaker genres. It’s not uncommon for an amp or other components such as pre, DAC, etc. to swap places to a degree, depending upon the ancillary components and cables used. It is quite possible that the comparison would end in a draw, where there were roughly equal appealing performance characteristics to each amp. No one knows apart form a comparison.

"Don’t think there’s a chance..." Thank you for your opinion. Opinions apart from actual comparisons are not too important to me. :)