Joseph Audio Pulsar – Original vs. Graphene opinions?

I'm curious about the Pulsars, but have no easy way to audition, and would be grateful if those who heard the original and current models could offer opinions.

Thanks in advance!

"Harsh" is just about the last word to describe Joseph speakers. 

This is a case where the unanimous reviews have it right, where they basically all note how smooth, unmechanical and hash-free the Joseph Pulsars sound.   It would be even moreso likely with the Graphene version (if they follow the Graphene Perspectives in flattening the very highest frequencies some more).

I have very sensitive ears and my Joseph Perspectives are just about the smoothest sounding speaker I've ever heard.
Maybe someone will come along and really break down the difference. Some of the commentary on this thread is ludicrous.
I have the original Pulsars, and have heard the graphenes. The original, to my ears, is smoothe all-around ... there is no one particular area that’s emphasized over another. OTOH, the graphenes to me have a slight over-emphasis in the bass region which muddies the sound somewhat, particularly in a small room. I prefer the originals and have passed on the upgrade. Newer is not necessarily better.
Interesting rlb61

where you the one a while back who switched to the graphene Pulsars and found the bass too big in your room?

I auditioned the Perspective graphene and the bass was a bit too much, but they weren’t set up well - too close together and near the back wall so I couldn’t get an idea of how they perform in the bass.  Midrange and highs were fantastic