Need speaker suggestions for my evolving system!

Fair warning:  I'm a total newb - on this site & with audio gear - with a pretty decent (to me) budget and pretty tough WAF standards to meet.

My use case:
- Building a system for both music & tv/movies
- Living room is 17'w x 15'd, with 12' vaulted ceilings.
- Speakers on the 17' wall, facing a wall of windows
- The right side of the room (when looking at the speakers) opens to the dining room & kitchen.  So a pretty big space.
- Want speakers that can fill the room & rock out (my 9yr old likes impromptu dance parties), but also play well at low volumes, since that's when a lot of my listening happens. 

My journey, to date:
- Bought a used pair of Zu Dirty Weekends and LOVED them.  Full sound, super clear to me (coming from a soundbar, that's probably not saying much!), loads of bass even without a sub, and they could CRANK!
- Bought a used Marantz NR-1603 50wpc AV receiver to drive them.  Worked great!
- Wife was not at all happy with the DW's look (that 10" driver was a bit of a surprise), size (12" x 12" x "38), or color (deep, reddish Maple Sangria).  No matter how good they sounded, it was tough to get buy-in on them.
- Same hifi shop got a pair of used Totem Arros in cherry, which were a much better match in size & color.  I tried them out, and they sounded amazing at low-to-moderate volumes, especially with acoustic and vocal music.  I decided to keep them & sell the DWs.
- I love the Totem sound, and am still stunned by how clearly they create that broad soundstage!  It's like magic.
- But...they really struggle to fill the room - and don't seem to handle rock music very well, to my ears.
- Thinking that the Marantz was the issue, since it isn't rated for 4 ohm speakers, I splurged on a used Peachtree nova220se, which drives 350wpc at 4 ohm.  I figured that'd give them the boost they need.  I was wrong.
- With the Peachtree, low-volume listening is a bit fuller & clearer, which is great.  But I think the Arros just aren't made for rocking out - or at least not in a big room.  Perhaps their size & my basic understanding of physics should have made that connection.

So now I'm looking for suggestions on what I should consider, as replacements for the Totems, using the following criteria:
- Wood (maple, cherry) finish
- Small (< 38" tall, < 12" wide) form factor
- Capable of filling a room
- Similar imaging & clarity as the Totems (don't have much experience with other speakers)
- Priced ~$3k

There are some used Totem Forest Signatures I've had my eye on, and I saw that Zu is having a sale on their Soul Supremes ($3,700) which I might be able to make a case for.  But I haven't heard either.

Curious to hear what other speakers I should consider!

Thanks for the help!
Once you throw in the WAF you add a dimension which compromises
the final product. Which mistress is the to be the master?

So the real question is "Just how good is your marriage''?

If she is truly a keeper, show her the Sonus Faber line.

The LSAs are the poor man's version of Sonus Faber
and they are a great sounding speaker. Buy used and save
some $. Buy nothing you have not heard.

Good luck my friend!

I tried the nova 300 and returned it, The top end didn't sound right to me. My current favorite 'affordable' speaker is the Dali Oberon 9, and it might be a match for your peachtree, Some outlets have 30 day trials so you can check it out.
Thanks for the input, @soix , @chorus, and @steve59 !
I've seen the LSA speakers on the Underwood site, but haven't heard them - or know anyone who has.  Glad that they work well for you!  I'll have to take a look at their options.
As for Sonus Faber, I've been looking into used options, and they seem to really hold their value, which is a good sign!  That holds true to my wife, as well, who has definitely appreciated in value, over the years.  :-).  Perhaps there will be a match, there...
And Steve59, that Dali is gorgeous!  Love the clean lines on it - and we do have some Danish-inspired MCM living room furniture, so I should look to see if they have some speakers that don't stand quite so tall.  The DWs were (IIRC) ~38", and that was a bit much for our room.  Those Oberons are 48", so that'd be a tough sell.
And perhaps one upside of my low-grade tinnitus (thanks, loud rock shows!) is that I don't really notice the subtle differences between amps - or at least between the Marantz and Peachtree I have.  :-)

Out of curiosity, does anyone have experience with either the Tekton Lore Reference or Mini Lore?  The price point and general favorable reviews of both make for an intriguing option...but I haven't heard Tektons, before.

Thanks again! 
Why not get bigger Totems? Larger drivers, more drivers, high senstivity; will give the same sound signature but more dynamics and higher SPLs.
@motokokusanagi - I have my eye on a pair of used Totem Forest Signatures, but don't know if they'd be able to fill my room, or not.  I have no doubt they'd have the same/better detail and imaging as the Arros, but in those rare times I get to crank my tunes, I want speakers that can really rock - and not sure if the Forests are a "rock out" speaker.  If you've heard the Forests or any of the bigger Totems (within that ~$3k range), I'd love to hear your impression!