RE: the question: ":Why do forum interactions become contentious". . .

I've just had a very unexpected and very unpleasant PM from a forum participant. 

He'd been suggesting I buy a certain component  and I told him politely that I didn't visualize that particular purchase fitting in with my long-range plans.  

His response was to accuse me of wasting everyone's time and to call me an "effing idiot" (except he spelled "effing" correctly). 

The great majority of interactions I've had here have been very enjoyable and recent input from
more experienced forum members has helped greatly in clarifying my plan for the next upgrade cycle. 

The thread on lesser-know Jazz has been great-- lots of participation and lots of terrific suggestions. 

Nevertheless, I've decided to take a break. 

Best regards,


The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
          Gang aft agley,
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
          For promis’d joy!

Robert Burns, "To a Mouse"
Post removed 
Mahgister, I generally support what youre saying and I am, of course, all for, each of us, controlling our angry impulses.  That which I criticized, in my post, is the popular, commercial and ineffective “technique,” of “Anger Management.”
Mahgister, I generally support what youre saying and I am, of course, all for, each of us, controlling our angry impulses. That which I criticized, in my post, is the popular, commercial and ineffective “technique,” of “Anger Management.”
I apologize if i read you in the wrong way... It seems it is the case...

Sometimes we go swiftly to make a point clear...It is one of my numerous defect to be too reactive...

I offer you my sincere excuse and deepest respect....
I kinda like Mike Tyson's maxim:
Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.

I wonder if he read the Bible or attended Sunday sermons.
He was a quick study in the ring.

All the best,