Why do components sound different?

I have always wondered why there is so much discussion about how a pre-amp, amp, DAC, streamer sound.

To me, they should not have any sound! They are merely passing the signal thru to the next device until they get to your ears from your headphones or speakers.

The perfect component would have a linear frequency response, no distortion ( no harmonics which are overtones of the original signal) and introduce no other frequencies.

Anything else is just hard to measure and can only be described in words like "warm", "soundstage", "harsh", "lifelike".

Why would you want to listen to something you don't like? BUT you like the tune with less bass or less treble or more whatever. Why on earth would you not want the ability to change the sound?

50 + years with tone control, bass contour and variable loudness. WHY would you not want it? Set everything to 0 ZERO and you're using a line-stage, or hit the tone bypass on the newer stuff. Mcintosh of course.

Have you ever listened to Janis? There aren't any good recordings.. A lot of soul, but not a stitch of fidelity. :-)

Mostly design preferences. Most preamps, amps, DAC, streamer if designed to have low distortion and noise will sound similar enough they would be very hard to differentiate in blind listening tests. The biggest differences will come from speakers and room interaction.