Amperex 6DJ8 tube construction

Here is a link to a picture of two Amperex 6DJ8 orange globes.
- The one on the left has a circular plate suspended between the grid and the O getter.
- The one on the right does not have the circular plate suspended between.

What does that circular plate do? Why is it not necessary in the other tube? Any other info?  Thx!

Joe’s Tube Lore refers to the A frame type but that tube by construction does not have the ususal type of shield as earlier tubes (like the one on left picture).

No, Joe is describing the tube on the left in the picture in the section I quoted. The A frame tube has a getter (not a splatter shield) supported by 2 angled, wide metal supports.

Richardson Electronics purchased the Amperex name years ago and rebadged/boxed tubes of various origins as Amperex.

The only ones I purchased were 6dj8's and 6922's that were of Japanese manufacture.

After reading posts near the bottom of this discussion, it appears that it became the Wild West for NOS tubes in the 1990’s. Lots of re-branding and fakes going on.
This is just a guess, but a splatter shield may be to prevent secondary emissions.
Brent Jessee -from Audio Tubes - was kind enough to explain.

The splatter shield prevented getter flash material from migrating down during the flashing process. Without the shield the flash material could stain the grid and/or plates and affect the operation of the tube. The shield has no effect on the sound and like the o getter is pretty much useless after the getter flash process is complete.