Amperex 6DJ8 tube construction

Here is a link to a picture of two Amperex 6DJ8 orange globes.
- The one on the left has a circular plate suspended between the grid and the O getter.
- The one on the right does not have the circular plate suspended between.

What does that circular plate do? Why is it not necessary in the other tube? Any other info?  Thx!


Showing 4 responses by steakster

'Made in Holland' is silkscreened on the one on the right. It matches several other ’Made in Holland’ silkscreens on NIB/NOS Amperex 6DJ8 orange globes that I purchased in the original yellow/green boxes, years ago. There are no date/factory etchings on these tubes in the original yellow/green boxes. There are etchings on tubes, similar to the one on the left.
Everybody - thanks for the info. Solving a mystery is always fun.

With jeweler’s magnifying glasses, I wasn’t able find any codes - on any of the NIB/NOS Amperex 6DJ8’s in the yellow/green boxes. I looked everywhere - including the bottom and sides of the tubes. It was easy to find the the codes on the Heerlen-made tubes - of which I have several. The Heerlen-made tubes lasted several thousand hours in my preamp. Some are finally wearing out.

I’d like to find out more about the mid-circular plate. Unfortunately, no luck with a google search, re: vacuum tube splatter shield.

After reading posts near the bottom of this discussion, it appears that it became the Wild West for NOS tubes in the 1990’s. Lots of re-branding and fakes going on.
Brent Jessee -from Audio Tubes - was kind enough to explain.

The splatter shield prevented getter flash material from migrating down during the flashing process. Without the shield the flash material could stain the grid and/or plates and affect the operation of the tube. The shield has no effect on the sound and like the o getter is pretty much useless after the getter flash process is complete.