More proof that music is not just an aural sensation.

That’s where Patapoutian and his colleagues came in. After pinpointing cells that responded to changes in pressure, they identified 72 potential genes that might encode an ion channel receptor to facilitate that sensitivity. Of those genes, they found just one — the last candidate they tested — that did so. It coded for a novel ion channel protein, Piezo1, that could be activated by mechanical force.
This is probably an explanation for frisson, which lots of us experience when sound waves physically touch us and not with just our ears.

All the best,

There had to be something beyond eardrums that add to our sensation of hearing. This makes total sense to me. As the mystery unravels
it will be interesting to see what new transducers evolve.
There has been an ongoing discussion regarding subwoofers and tweeters that >go way up< here, and whether they are relevant to reproducing realism. I think this is proof that all energy in the musical reproduction spectrum has an effect on the listener.

To what extent will be interesting to find out.
Well, the neighbors high school daughter called Monday night to ask if I would please turn the music down when I was testing my system out to get the over-under on db levels. Dead quite, with the AC off, 42.1 db. And then the loudest my system will play with precision, Lee Michaels, the Lee Michaels album, the loudest sustained of all my music, 120.2 db.

The idea that a teenager would call me to turn it down was amusing. It was pure concussive ecstasy.  😉