Sopra 2 Bass

New member, first post, and newbie in terms of diving into the world of nice things. This world is insane! I've already been spiraling for a few months researching what to buy, AB'ing countless speakers and amps. I now own a McIntosh MA9000 that's driving my new Focal Sopra N2s via Kimber 12VS. My "dilemma" is with the lack of BASS. I demoed the N2s, so I know it's possible, but absent in my home. I have to use the tone controls (this is where you tear me apart) to bump the low end. I do not know if it's my room, lack of bass traps, or equipment, but I'm failing to get down a little lower without tone adjustments. I stream Tidal Masters to my wired Bluesound NODE 2i (optical to the MA9000 dac). My room is 11'x20.5' with a low, 7.5' ceiling. I have tried as many speaker positions as possible with little change. I already know I need to eliminate room echo in the center of the room and have been researching various acoustic treatments. I feel like I'm off to a good start, but now stuck, not totally satisfied. Yes, it's the best I've ever owned and mind-blowing amazing, emotional, etc, but just short of perfect for me. In tracks where I expect a punch, I get an unmoving transition... Can I get "there" with different wire? Should I consider a sub? Why do folks on this site use two subs? Do I need to hire someone to properly sound-treat the room? Is my room a lost cause for what I own? Reaching out because I'm stuck, afraid to waste money chasing dead ends. My budget is thin after the McIntosh and Focals. Any help would be so appreciated! I hope to learn, grow and pay it forward some day. Thank you.
The OP comments about the Sopra 2’s bass amazes me. I own now for a few years the Sopra 2’s and I am very satisfied with them. Yes, I have 4 subwoofers (JL F-113) that come in around 40hz. but even without the subs the Sopra’s have very tuneful bass.

I would say the biggest impact on speakers bass performance is the speaker to amp relationship and of course speaker placement.

BTW, what type of floor is under your Sopra’s? Concrete?
And what type of flooring is under your home theater equipment? Wood?

And for what it is worth, I have found that the Townshend #3 platforms increased the bass tonality on the Sopra 2's

The lack of bass does not surprise me. The speaker’s bass drops like a rock after 50hz and steps down pretty hard even after 100hz (link below). Room gain will be very room dependent. Some rooms might even make it worse not better. 

I think izjjzi should measure the room at the listening chair. Does not have to be anything fancy. Even a DB phone app and a streamed test tone album would give you a good idea of the room.
@james633 I reached out to REL regarding their pairing tool's recommendation of the S/812 and to get their thoughts on going with a pair of lower model subs. They have articles using the Sopra 3 as a real world example and they have photos of Sopras as well in some of their configuration examples. I am a bit skeptical regarding having more than one sub off of my integrated. Is there a difference to justify the cost? Thank you for the link. Explains why I've had to use the tone controls and bump the 25 and 50!

@ozzy The floor is berber rug over concrete. I have had the Sopras everywhere in the room, which is 11x20.5. I do not have the feet down or own platforms, but I do have the Townshend platforms on my list of options. I am not using these for home theater. My components are on wood, dampened with rubber gaskets. I will be updating my photos soon so people can see the rack.

I'm convinced the sub route is going to get me to bliss. I just want to get it right.
Wooden floors will give the impression of more bass than a concrete floor.

Pulled the trigger on the REL Carbon Special. This is after a few more days of back and forth with REL, more videos and reading than I care to admit. Almost went with the 212/sx, but it might be too much for my room. I know it's not two subs or a linear array, but it will be a massive upgrade and could be what I need to be happy and lastly focus on a streaming solution. I can always add a second down the road in this marathon of marathons. Maybe It wouldn't be as fun if it were a sprint where money was no object? This is what I tell myself anyway, haha. I will have 30 days with it and a no questions asked return policy. Can't go wrong. Full report once it arrives.