SUT Advice - Which Ones Are The Best?

I am currently in research mode.  I want to add a SUT to my set-up but I am finding that there is not a lot of information from my local audio shop resources.  It seems that SUTs are outliers in the high end audio world.  
That said, I have read several articles in magazines and the web touting their merits.
Of all the brands out there I am most familiar with Bob's Devices.  Art Dudley wrote many good things about his experiences with Bob's SUTs, and I happen to trust Art (God rest his soul), but I'm wondering if there are others I should consider as well.  Please post your recommendations if you have experience with any SUTs, regardless of brand.
As for my set-up, I have a SME 20/2 turntable, Tri-Planer tone arm, Lyra Kleos cartridge, and KTE LCR Mk5 Phono preamp.  I do not know if I will always use a Kleos cartridge but I do think I will always buy low output MC carts.  I hope to buy something that will work with low output MCs but have some adjustability just in case.
I'd love to hear your recommendations.
You can read Arthur Salvatore’s reviews here. He’s comparing many great SUTs, but find his thoughts on ZYX Headamp:

"This is, most likely, the finest head-amp I’ve ever heard. I state this because it is competitive with the finest transformers I’ve had, while all the many other (external) head-amps I’ve heard are simply not in that league. The ZYX head-amp is a solid-state device! It is highly unusual for a successful cartridge manufacturer to also design and build an audio component that is so different in fundamental nature (non-mechanical in this instance), with such excellent performance. The relevant details..." -  Arthur Salvatore

If you want to see what’s inside the ZYX CPP-1 look at the images in my system. Battery powered headamp with special resistors that looks like an MC cartridge coil (I was shocked to see that). Resistors made by ZYX to transfer the output signals with no noise and no inductance at all. They are made of pure coil wire of MC cartridges, cryogenic purified. I remember it was highly regarded by Arthur Salvatore who compared it to some of the best SUTs ever made.

A coil inevitably has inductance. However there are some tricks of winding that can minimize it, as in Mills resistors. Otherwise wirewound resistors are inductive. It’s the law.
Email Dave at Intact Audio, tell him about your preamp, cart, etc and he will wind SUT(s) to suit your needs. Not cheap (especially if you request silver wire) but custom wound to your cart/pre

A coil inevitably has inductance. However there are some tricks of winding that can minimize it, as in Mills resistors. Otherwise wirewound resistors are inductive. It’s the law.

Might be a special trick, description about inductance is from the manual @lewm
Don't ignore the Hagerman Piccolo 2 head amp. Dead quiet and cheap at around $300.  Replaced a transformer in one system that was hard to keep from humming.