Linn Sondek- Origin Live upgrades anyone?

Just wondering if I could get some feedback from the Audiogon community, on anyone that has tried the upgrades  for Linn Sondek LP-12, that Origin Live has on their web page, and how they compare to others in the same price range, Im particularly interested in the Motor and DC power supply?
Buying into Linn is buying into  upgrades forever. Audiophilia nervosa. It never stops. Get off the merry-go-round
I’m no Linn fan, but even so they are fine tables and that is unfair, and off-topic. Please delete. Thanks!
I tried the 'Advanced' speed control box/motor back when I owned an LP-12 (we're going back well over 10 years) and was unimpressed.  The DC motor was decent enough, but the speed drifted like crazy since it was/is an open-loop controller, without any platter/motor feedback to the controller.  DC motors need some type of rigid feedback system (whether at the platter or in the gearhead itself) to provide constant, real-time feedback to the controller - I've never heard an open-loop DC controller for a brushed DC motor that was worth a damn (though Mark Kelly came close).

The Linn 'sound' is in part predicated around a synchronous AC motor (at least up until the Radikal).  It is, IMO, part of what makes the LP-12 an enjoyable (albeit inaccurate) transcriber.  You'd be better off with a used Lingo.
millercarbon it is not off topic at all. You can't turn a sows ear into a silk purse. The Linn has certain design failings that damn it forever. It is just that for an extended period in the late 70's early 80's it was the best turntable you could buy. I owned two of them. There is no "upgrade" that can fix it. Instead of wasting money it would be a better approach to save up for a new turntable. A Sota Sapphire will handily thump it.
Another thread wherein naysayers with no experience with the LP12 are happy to come on and put their 2 cents in!
Mijostyn, maybe I should go on Sota Sapphire threads and post about how the Linn from this century can ’handily thump it’...even though I have no experience with the current Sota Sapphire and last owned a Sota Sapphire back in the 80’s?
I have no experience with the Origin Live aftermarket products, so I have refrained from coming here, but I suspect that the Linn upgrades are at least as good, and I like keeping my table Linn based. The Linn upgrades are all well worth what they do...with the new Karousel bearing being a tremendous upgrade and fundamental.
Now back to the naysayers who have never heard any LP12 ( at least for the last 40 years..and maybe not even then) telling us to buy their favorite table ( insert Crossley, or its ilk here !).