Innuos Zen Mini Mk3 w/PSU |VS| Lumin U1 Mini

OK so only interested in a direct comparison of these two products that are both at ~$2100.00 not other options etc. etc. etc.  Yes I know the Innuos has a CD drive but ignore for the purposes of this discussion.  I have read pretty much everything available so I'm looking for experience with one or hopefully both units.
- output flexibility
- Output resolution
- Sound differences
- App comparison
- Overall experience 
Downstream DACs Holo-May-KTE and the SW1X Dac-II-Balanced (will feed the May via USB and the SW1X by Spdif
Preamplifier is the Don Sachs custom

I ended up getting the Zen-Mini-Mk3 w/LPSU and love it.  Auditioned against the Zenith and liked the modular mini+lpsu better.
Plus, the new Sense 2.04 software is said to sound very good on the Mk3.  Don’t know how it compares to the Lumin however.
I can attest to the Innuos Sense 2.0.5 sounding very good, certainly better than roon (on my system).  Not full Tidal integration yet but works just fine for me and enough difference in sound that I have abandoned roon.