Lack of popularity of Chord???

Hello.  I’m wondering if anyone knows why Chord products are so rarely discussed on this forum.  I own and love a Chord Dave DAC/headphone amp, and I’ve considered including a Chord amp to go with the Dave, but I’m wary of this choice because Chord seems so unpopular on this forum.  Not that it is a popularity contest per se.  But is there something I don’t know about Chord products in a full size system?  I t would drive Sonus Faber Sonetto V speakers. I’d be grateful for any and all feedback.
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Chord gears are very highly regarded in the UK.  I guess it's too much of a trouble for them to establish a distribution networks here in the States.
Chord gears are very highly regarded in the UK. I guess it’s too much of a trouble for them to establish a distribution networks here in the States.

chord is imported by the sound organisation based in texas and there is a wide dealer network in the usa...

or just type in 'chord qutest' into your google search bar, click ’shopping’ and many usa retailers selling it will pop up instantly
Lots of Chord gear and users out there. Pretty universally acclaimed. Users must just be happy and listening. There is an open position for a Chord shill here though if someone wants to fill that role and get people here talking about the products more. Not sure what much else there is to say. Good stuff speaks for itself all over.

I own a Chord Mojo. It’s written about all over and widely acclaimed and rightfully so.

BTW most very popular products do not get a lot of play here compared to other lesser known quantities.  They are already popular.   The high end site does little for them.