Schiit Audio (or other) DAC Recommendations

My current sources are a Maverick Audio TubeMagic D2 DAC (with upgrades) and a Pioneer Elite PD-D6-J SACD Player.  I know that they are not the ultimate sources and am starting to think about upgrading the DAC to broaden my audio horizons.  The DAC is good for 24bit/96Khz.  I'd be interest in something that was 24bit/192Khz and possibly even DSD for the right price.

Is something like the Schiit Audio Modi worth consideration?  What are some of the higher value DSD capable DACs?
@yyzsantabarbara - "low-ish cost" doesn't compute with four figures in my world though I recognize what a high end DAC can cost.  I paid $1,600 or less used for both of my current amplifiers and felt guilty spending that much.
@mceijo If those prices do not compute for you another DAC in the 3 figure range that is pretty good is the Matrix Audio Mini-3 Pro. I bought mine new for $750 but it may have gone up in price a bit more. It is ROON READY with built-in streaming. A good DAC. My buddy is taking it off my hands for a headphone system but I thought it was about 80% as good as the DACs I  mentioned above.

There are of course a lot of other Chinese made DACs that measure great and are around $500. Topping being an example.
Another vote here for Schiit MB DAC’s
I have the Yggdrasil in my main  system and the Modi MB in my office system. 

Are you playing SACD with your Pioneer?  If so then you might  miss the DSD in thos recordings, assuming that you scrap the Pioneer and get the Schiit.  Of course you can keep the player as a transport use the Schiit for CDs and run the SACD into the amp directly for SACD
@mahler123 - I do have a number of SACDs and I won't be giving my my SACD player capability unless it goes kaput or I replaced it with another SACD capable player.  I honestly have not heard much difference with SACD vs. Redbook vs. my Maverick Audio DAC (with Bluesound Node) though I'm fairly certain that the SACD was noticeably better with a recent Octave Records disk in combination with my new-to-me Krell S-300i amplifier.  I have not had an opportunity to crank things up for an extended period of time to really be able to form a solid opinion.  Work has been swamped and I've had almost no time at home without the rest of my family which mean limited listening that's generally distracted (kids) with lower than desired volumes (lovely wife).