Schiit Audio (or other) DAC Recommendations

My current sources are a Maverick Audio TubeMagic D2 DAC (with upgrades) and a Pioneer Elite PD-D6-J SACD Player.  I know that they are not the ultimate sources and am starting to think about upgrading the DAC to broaden my audio horizons.  The DAC is good for 24bit/96Khz.  I'd be interest in something that was 24bit/192Khz and possibly even DSD for the right price.

Is something like the Schiit Audio Modi worth consideration?  What are some of the higher value DSD capable DACs?

Showing 2 responses by yyzsantabarbara

I have 3 low-ish cost DACs that are very good.

- AudioMirror Tubadour III SE ($1500 - $2800)
- Benchmark DAC3B ($1600, Stereophile A+)
- Gustard X26 Pro ($1500)

The Gustard is the one I use the most but the other 2 are used in certain situations. All 3 are very good. If I had to choose only 1 the Gustard is the one I would get. It is in between the DAC3B and the tube based AudioMirror in sonics. 
@mceijo If those prices do not compute for you another DAC in the 3 figure range that is pretty good is the Matrix Audio Mini-3 Pro. I bought mine new for $750 but it may have gone up in price a bit more. It is ROON READY with built-in streaming. A good DAC. My buddy is taking it off my hands for a headphone system but I thought it was about 80% as good as the DACs I  mentioned above.

There are of course a lot of other Chinese made DACs that measure great and are around $500. Topping being an example.