Where are the young audiophiles?

I find it alarming that 95% of all audiophiles are seniors.According to a consultant at my local HI-FI store,young people don't seem interested in high-end equipment.They listen to music on their phone.Sooner or later, all the great neighborhood HI-FI stores will not be able to remain open. Kind of sad,don't you think?
Very simple answer $$$$$! The “hi-fi” industry has priced it self into this situation. Can I spend 100k on a system if I want yes! Can I justify spending more than I did on my first house for music no!
 On the flip side I have bought quality self powered speakers with zen blue wi-fi for my daughters. It needs to be simple or they will not use it. They were reluctant to start but over time they have come to realize the speakers on their phone suck. It is on us who love the music and this industry to introduce it to the next generation so it does not go with the dinosaurs.
I offered a system to my son, 31yrs, & he didn't want it. B&Ws & Rotel stuff. He uses Ear buds & phone music. I don't get it. He's up & coming, runs the family business & has money.  Where have I failed!
As others noted, I think the key factors in what the mass of young people buy is cost and convenience.  Most don’t yet have high incomes and other purchases take priority.  Also, younger Americans were raised to have short attention spans and crave new stimulation.  They aren’t prone to following anything down a rabbit hole and prefer to use what is convenient and serves the purpose.  New music is here today and gone tomorrow — I don’t think young people now will long to hear again the tunes that are currently popular . . not as oldsters today still savor Steely Dan, Alman Brothers or Linda Ronstadt.  They want things to go.
If no one mentioned it, YouTube channels Zero fidelity, Thomas, and Jay who are all under 40 (I think) and appear to have lots of younger viewers.  
Sure there is tons of very pricey gear today, but the flip side is that technology has advanced and there are lots good sounding gear way under $1000.