A bit of an epiphany...with humble embarrassment

I have seen speaker placement mentioned numerous times here... with staging, imaging and that "sweet spot".  Reminding you all that I am that one with the Cerwin Vega D*8s.

In another forum built around Cerwin Vegas speakers. I  was trying to see why my right speaker didn't seem as full and detailed and "there" as the left speaker.  I wondered if the driver was bad ...etc, etc.  In a troubleshooting response, it was suggested that I move my speakers around...  So...I went on line and found a fascinating article simply about speaker placement.  No news to the group here.


I did move the speakers and I have just experienced one of those moments that keep us in this hobby. It is one of the most basic of all actions dealing with speakers  Placement. The results were stunning.  All I needed to do was move the speakers away from the walls. I just brought them out more into the room and let the rear ports do what they were meant to do. The left has the rear ports pointed into a hall way/dining room area and the right is symmetrically about 4 feet 6 inches from the corner of the room. It seems that the less-bass-on-the-right-speaker issue is gone. I see that there is that elusive imaging / sound stage element that can come into play,

I feel both grateful and embarrassed with my epiphany. I had no idea how simple physics played into my set up. I have lots of pictures and carpeting and stuff' that aids in the sonics.

My next venture is to see if I can take the CV D8's and place them directly on the floor; they have the "pedestal".  I now have them on two matching end tables...about 16 inches off the floor. Since I live upstirs my concern is about the mighty D8's radiating the bass into the floor.

I thought the experienced audiophiles here would get a good chuckle out of my ignorant dilemma turned learned epiphany.  Now I do not feel as compelled to retire my CV D8's to the other room and scout out some Klipsch Heritage speakers...which are a dream...on my "Bucket List".

Thanks to all.


I am...a newbie...

You're not the first to say that. All who have compared say Podiums are a lot better. Which for the price I would hope so! But the surprise is not that Townshend is a lot better than IsoAcoustics, but that Gaia is hardly any better than Nobsound. If at all. Haven't directly compared. Just looking at them I have my doubts. I would hope they are a little more neutral and easier to use. Nobsound take a fair bit of listening and tweaking to get just right. When you do though, wow, hard to find a better use for $35! For the difference in price you could put them under everything in your whole system for what one set of Gaia would cost, and that for sure would be way more improvement than the Gaia.

None of this however comes even close to the tape measure. What does a really good tape measure cost? $10? If that? With the tape you can set your speakers up absolutely symmetrical and equidistant, the single biggest improvement anyone can ever make and for the least amount by far! 
Morning Miller.  Boing boing!
And sometimes the speakers need to be not quite symmetrical and equidistant to compensate for uneven room effects that cannot easily be corrected.

@speakermaster.    Stones or bricks.  NOW you're talking!
Thank you for sharing this experience.
The fact that you had a positive experience with some simple experimentation IS the sort of thing that makes this hobby great.
I see some other helpful suggestions you may want to try forwarded by others. (Nice!)
Stay Real...Stay Safe
I agree with millercarbon about the tape measure, and even take it to the next level with my Martin-Logan CLXs.  I use a Leica Disto Laser tape measure and a Savage SVT200 Digital Level.  No going back after you have used tools like these.
I thought the experienced audiophiles here would get a good chuckle out of my ignorant dilemma turned learned epiphany. Now I do not feel as compelled to retire my CV D8's to the other room and scout out some Klipsch Heritage speakers...which are a dream...on my "Bucket List".

One thing you will discover, should your journey take you to Heritage-land, is that the sweet spot with Khorns, LaScalas, and Belles is positively HUGE compared to most other speakers, because of the dispersion horns.