Technics 1200G phono recommendations

I plan to purchase a Technics 1200G turntable. Need recommendations for a phono stage. Budget under under 3k, used ok. I do not want to exceed the quality of the turntable, if that makes sense. Would also appreciate recommendations on Ortofon cartridge to match the level of TT. 
Will pair it with Mastersound 845 tube amp and Diapason adamantes III speakers. 

How much difference  does a tube phono make? Is it safe to assume that SS phono will be just as good as tube phono? I'd like to have a totally analog system, including a tube phono, but not sure how much SS phono will take away from analog sound. 
I also have a Technics 1200G.  My first choice would be a Luxman EQ 500.  I think this would be compatible with the vast majority of cartridges available these days.  Expensive though!  Herron gets a lot of positive comments here, as well.
I’ve used a Parasound JC3jr, Herron, and PS Audio Stellar in that order with my 1200G, with an Ortofon Quintet Black cartridge. 
The Herron sounded best, with the PS Audio an almost dead heat second. I kept the PS Audio pre because I have their BHK preamp, DSD DAC, and BHK250 amp. I’m quite happy with it. 
I have no idea why people mention turntable type or brand when they are talking about phono stage?

What’s the reason for that?

Your phono stage connected to phono cable and this cable connected to the cartridge pins.

What is matter:
CARTRIDGE type, cartridge output, cartridge impedance.

For MM cartridge: phono cable capacitance is important too.

But turbtable is irrelevant for the phono stage!

People, wake up !?
 There is a Luxman EQ-500 on Audiogon going for 3k. Is it too good for Technics 1200G?

  Cartridge most likely Ortofon MC Cadenza blue. Does that change anything?

In terms of the cost (cartridge vs phono stage), they seem to match OK. I think your turntable is not much off. However, I wonder why you would need a phono stage with three inputs and that much versatility.

With your Mastersound 845 amp and Diapason adamantes III speakers, now your speakers seem to be the weakest link. It may not be as much revealing as the amp, phono stage, and the cartridge.
I haven't listened to your speaker brand, but for pricewise, something at 10K  speakers may match well with the rest of your system. Just my 2 cents.
Just for the reference, I use Ortofon silver meister MKii and Gold Reference SPUs with Allnic H1202 and Live! MC10 SUT and Magi Phonomenal phono pre, and Gershman Grande Avant Garde speakers.