
Responses from andysf

What was the most expensive record that you ever bought ?
I made a bid of $1700 on a King Solomon Hill 78-didn't win it though.  Most I actually paid was $800 for a Skip James Paramount 78.  Don't think I ever paid much more than $150 for anything on vinyl.  
Leak Audio
No relation to the old company.  Just another name for something made in the same factory in China as a hundred other things.  
Proper thickness for platter mat Technics 1200GR(2021)
@reubent  Hard to pull the Achromat completely off to check as it is it held down with pretty strong tape.  I was able to pry a bit of a side of it off and it did feel like there was a bit of a lip. It is designed for the 1200 so fits my table per... 
Proper thickness for platter mat Technics 1200GR(2021)
I think the width is more important than the height.  I have an Achromat made for the 1200.  Herbies also makes one sized for the 1200 as well.  Curious about the KAB mat if anyone has actually used one.  He does know his stuff!  
Is High End Audio catchin' up with you all?
Who does that guy think he is fooling?  So obviously an implant!  
Practicality of reversing frequency response curve of phono cartridge / stylus
CEDAR is a pretty old technology. I remember asking people who worked with it if it was really that good. No one thought that it was and it cost about $8000 back then.  That was 25 years ago!  I would try and find a SweetVinyl unit with SVNR.  The... 
Chi-Fi in the Time of Self-Righteous Indignation.
jerryg123 OP 978 posts 01-02-2022 11:02am @femoore12 Agreed and the fact is companies/people build products not countries. China is a communist country where "the people" (government) seized control of the mode of production. In to... 
SET Shootout China VS The USA
@laoman  新疆政府组织出来新疆实习生1000人左右,政审,体检合格,年龄16至18周岁,由新疆政府委派正式在编干部管理,厂方有需求可申请新疆籍在编警察24小时驻厂管理!合同期为一年起签!新疆厨师可自带,要有统一的员工宿舍,(方便管理)。签定合同后人员15天内到企业!请有用工需求的企业提前联系!用新疆工的优势是:半军事化管理,能吃苦,人员不流失,合同签多久,就上班多久!100人起送!  We had the same system here in the US but it end... 
SET Shootout China VS The USA
@mozartfan Thought this was relevant to your last few posts and your new found Yaquin miracle.    
Mc 240 vs. Prima Luna
Check out Cayin tube amps...they are made in same factory as Prima Luna.Same quality......and you will have alot of money to buy New Vinyl ... That "same factory" (Zhuhai Spark Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd)  is owned by the Chinese government.... 
Sweetvinyl Sugarcube - SC1 and SC2
@bondmanp      That was my plan from the start as I bought it to archive rare 78 rpm records.  Thought I would keep it for a week or so and send it off but once I got it, I didn't want to part with it! 
Why the hate for mcintosh amps?
Say what you like about McIntosh but so far as I know, they have never imprisoned a Nobel prize winner like the owners of Cayin. 
Sweetvinyl Sugarcube - SC1 and SC2
I finally found a SC2 model about six months ago.  Really an impressive unit that removes the surface noise from scratches.  Can take a VG to M!  I can't hear any loss at all (and neither could Michael Fremer who reviewed it for Stereophile) but t... 
LSA 20 Statement Speakers
A relative has a pair of these. I have spent some hours listening to them via CD. I thought they sound quite nice-smooth with a lot of detail. Nothing wrong with them but somehow the more I listened to them the less I liked them. I can understand ... 
Monitor suggestions?
I would also suggest Fritz Carrera.  36hz/$3500.  Not sealed though.