Schiit order issue - anyone receiving shipments?

Experiencing order receipt delay approaching 2 months.  Schiit unable to clarify when order will be received.  Only receiving template response without focus on my order. No telephone available as co don’t take calls.

I think company may be having problems.
Schiit should open up phone lines. Not that expensive.  They farm out support to non schiit staff my guess.  I can open a response center for several tech cos.  Called outsourcing and speaking humans hard to find.  Foreigners can respond in writing, as if they are in the us.  Schiit does this my guess.   It’s from Rebekah, actually it’s from a Phillipines guy who has a strong accent, and tomorrow from Iceland farmer
Do you actually read the responses here?

How about answering some questions and providing more context instead of making blanket assumptions and complaining.
Nonsense, I've had at least 4 conversations with them all order related in the past 5 years and never had a problem.Laura is the one I always dealt with.