Cheap hearing aids?

I'm thinking of trying non prescription items . Anyone w experience?
I tried a cheap pair and sent them back right away.
I was hoping that my listening to my stereo would be better. The electronic sound of the sods is a complete turn off. And the batteries drain in a few hours 
If I try others it will be through a professional with testing. I see that there are some designed for music. They are pricey but may be worth it.
You need to see an audiologist first.  Not all hearing loss is equal.  Then get hearing aids set up to compensate for your issues.  Your R&L are probably not even the same.
Do it right, don't make yourself more miserable.

You could just have Exostosis, everyone 20+ has it to a "certain degree", commonly called "surfers ear" or "truckers ear".
It’s where the ear canal which is 3/16" to 3/8’ diameter (which is bone with skin over it) grows shut to protect the ear drum against the cold water or wind.
Being a long time all year round surfer, I’ve had 3 x Exostosis ops done, two on the right and one on the left.
The right needing done twice because here in Australia we drive on the right hand side of the car, that means the right ear cops all the cold wind on it with the window down.

Each time I ask for it to be bored out over size so I can then hear even better, it’s amazing you hear like a bat after the op.

In America Exostosis more predominate on the left ear, because you drive on the left and have the cars left widow down when you drive.
Moto, don’t surf, or drive the car with the window down.

Cheers George

Those cheap non prescription hearing aids sound worse than the tin can telephones we used to make as kids.