Super integrated vs equivalent +$$ for new main system

Just upgraded my main speaker and would like to upgrade the overall setup, room is a 20’’x30’’, listening to variety of music from jazz, vocals, classic, and a bit of pop. Speaker are M30.2XD and a Rel T7i, Streaming only, Qobuz mainly, and might add a tt later on. I have a lfd and qutest laptop in an other room with the P3s, main was a Uniti atom. Tried the lfd IV with the m30, sweet mids but lack on the lower and composure, dont want to go with a ncse as there is no remote and want something simple. From those of you who did these upgrade. Is it better to go for a super integrated, (thinking of 1: Audio Gold Is 1000 deluxe(150w- 2: Naim nova 80w) or going separate + fuss with cable, keeping qutest, going with a Auralic Aries G1 to stream, and choose an integrated amp class AB, ( choice I looked at and listen to 1: Supernait 3 $, 2: Luxman 507ux ii $$) luxman would stretch my budget but would be a keeper, I prefer a limited number of box if that is possible
I went through a similar search recently and landed on the Aesthetix Mimas which I highly recommend. Absolutely musical and holographic.
The M30.2 has a an impedance curve that is nearly identical to the speakers I own, the Shl5+. In my experience, they don't need a ton of watts to sound good. I drive them with a low watt class A integrated and they sound amazing. The only limitation of my setup is that they don't play into the 90dB range with the same clarity. I didn't buy them for this reason and it seems from your post that you didn't either. The Luxman puts out 110W/8ohm and I bet would sound fantastic.
Many thanks for all the replies, will try to listen to everything I possibly can and will go from there but the general idea is integrated class A + B or AB, I've also learn new amp names today as well! Coda, Raven and Aesthetix, Also looked for pass lab but the nearest dealer is located to far from where I live to even consider it, it would be a leap of faith... To be continued
Naim Supernait 3 is inadequate for the M30.2. It may sound good but not great. My experience with Harbeth speakers is they need current / power to sound great. Those who opined that Harbeth sounds great with flea-powered amps may be predominantly listening to mellow stuff or vocals. Play some dynamic music with bass and it will all fall apart.