Replacement for 802 D3s

Hey all,

After living with them for a few months, I'm looking to replace my B&W 802 D3s. While they offer great detail and soundstage, the sound is too bright and thin for our space. My room is fairly large (roughly 20'x30') and the speakers are on the long wall. The rest of the system includes...

Mac c2700 & MA 462
Aurender ACS100
VPI Prime Signature

The speakers I'm considering (and about to start auditioning) include...

KEF Blades
Paradigm Persona 9H
Wilson Audio Sasha DAW

I'm also considering Revel & Harbeth from a local dealer and am trying to find a dealer to demo Sonus Faber Amati Traditions and Il Cremonese.

I would be interested in any perspective from people who have owned any of these speakers and lived with them in their system for some time. Whatever we end up with has to not only sound great, but also look fantastic in a contemporary aesthetic.

Many thanks for any feedback...

I had a pair of Usher be20dmd speakers that had all the resolution of the best speakers I've heard yet managed to stay warm and musical. the downside would be size. they're canted back so are 3' deep themselves, pretty wide and with the necessary plinths weigh 285 lbs. There was some negative press about their be tweeter marketing and they've since changed it, regardless, they sound exceptional if you have the real estate. I love the persona line, but they do need to be paired with choice components as they'll change their presentation with each different component. The Kef Blades are still on my wish list also. 
Yeah, there’s a pair of Usher BE20 DMDs on US AudioMart now for $8250, which is an absurd deal IMHO.  Somebody gonna score big there.  
I just got the Dynaudio Confidence 30s about a week ago.  They sound fantastic to me.  Wonderful sound stage.  
Maybe its the room and not the gear. I have 3 REL subs: 803d3 MC462 &  C1100 + d1100 combo and no brightness. I previously had Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage hooked up to the same system and the 803's are superior in every way except for vocals and strings. I still enjoy SF's in another room. My room is 15x25: Its a short wall install 3' from the back wall & 31/2' from the side walls: The room is fully carpeted with paneled walls and a angled wood ceiling like a church: So the take away is that this is a dead room so if there is brightness it is offset by the rooms deadness.

So maybe some room treatments would be better than chasing the unknown and a lot cheaper than taking a financial bath selling your new equipment: You can consult your dealer about auditioning the Mac room correction  MEN220. My friend has 601 monos 802d3 and c500t preamp and his room is a very bright and he told me that it made a night and day improvement and tamed all the brightness. He even offered to let me try it but in my room I felt it was unnecessary. Keep in mind that All the recommendations on this forum are people just guessing or making assumptions on a preconceived bias. There is no way to find out unless you make the expensive decision to change the gear only to find out that your new replacement has issues to. Good Luck: Keep the gear a little longer and treat the room or try to audition a MEN220.
I too would look at the Vandersteen Kento's. It's the newest design for Vandersteen.  Some special bass set up, plus using ta powered internal sub frees up the main amp to sound better as it only has auto power 200hz on up (100 hz up in his other powered speakers).