The Weekend

Well, just watched the half-time Super Bowl, and I am impressed and (should I say it?), surprised by The Weekend.  Perhaps it's my biases at play here, but I am shocked and happy about it.  Or as I was coached at my job, my "unconscious bias".  I loved it!
I had never heard, or heard of, Mr. Weekend before the Super Bowl ads. I was looking forward to something new and entertaining. I saw something new but not entertaining for me, nor for the other viewers in the room. I did not like the show. I did not like the songs. I did not like the masks, too close to reality and disconcerting. None of the viewers in my home could understand the lyrics. It was a waste of a lot of money and hype. It was one thing, safe. No controversy that I saw. No sexy dancing. No profane or questionable language. Just boring to my household. Hope next year is better.
"Didn't Michael Jackson lip sync? He curiously sounded almost exactly like the recordings."

One time I saw and heard him, he did sound very close to recordings. Just a little more of a, believe it or not, growl at times. Music was different, but he was flawless. Lyp-syncing, or not, those were a couple of hours of extraterrestrial experience. As my friend said when we were leaving the stadium..."What happened to us? Where were we? Did someone abduct us for a while and brought us back now?" Granted, we were way way in the front and it was the first concert of that tour.