The Weekend

Well, just watched the half-time Super Bowl, and I am impressed and (should I say it?), surprised by The Weekend.  Perhaps it's my biases at play here, but I am shocked and happy about it.  Or as I was coached at my job, my "unconscious bias".  I loved it!
Most boring halftime show I’ve seen in years. Kept my interest for about 30 seconds.

My feelings too.

I think I need a high end surround sound system. Maybe 2-channel isn’t enough to fully appreciate a spectacular like Super Bowl halftime. Maybe I need to buy more stuff!!!!!!!

Or not....

I usually like the big pop halftime shows - I was particularly fond of Katy Perry's a few years back - but I just couldn't get into The Weeknd; I didn't find either the music or the visuals particularly inspiring, but I'll also take current circumstances into account.... I still want to see Metallica do the halftime show, though...
Didn't Michael Jackson lip sync? He curiously sounded almost exactly like the recordings.