Wow, $10k+ cables

I’m a true cables believer. I do believe they can make (significant) improvement to system but $10,000+ for a single power cord or a pair of interconnect? Cmon now
I just made a ton on GameStop. Think I will test out some Uber high end purist ic’s and pc’s. Can’t wait. I’ll let you know how they sound. 
Anybody that pays that much or even more for any kind of cable whether it's speaker interconnect power cord is a real sucker and there's one born everyday so I guess if you got lots of money you can be stupid. But I think OCC single crystal wire is the best wire on the market and it doesn't cost anywhere near that much
Two questions: can you really hear a positive difference in your system from it and can you afford it? If your answer to both are firm yesses, then enjoy it. If you "think you might hear something different" and your credit cars are close to being maxed, you might wanna take a step back....