Bulk power cables suggestions

I need help giving my system proper PCs.  Bulk cables at 150 USD per meter max. to get a good basis before Going/DIYing further. I have a QB8 with Red Dawn and generic PCs.
My needs are for Ncore nc1200 amp, a Truth preamp and a streamer/dac.
Thank you!
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Any 10 - 12 awg copper cable costing no more than about $10 will do perfectly.

There will be absolutely no difference to the sound unless your cable is extremely underrated, and with a 10 -12 awg copper cable that will NEVER be the case. And even then, you will not notice any sound degradation but simply a hot running cable, which may be dangerous.
I suggest Ramm Amadeus 5 MKII for hot and neutral and a counter rotating earth wire around the cable, and combine them with pure copper Viborg plugs (for example VE512R) with the plating that you prefer (gold,rhodium, pure copper). That gives you 11 AWG of high quality OCC copper in an air dielektricum with tellurium copper connectors and the performance of a 1000+ dollar cable.