Schiit Freya order delay, no clue when it will arrive

So, ordered 6 weeks ago, and still no word on when it will be shipped.

anyone receive one lately?
Your complaint seems to be growing in size as time progresses. 

It had been about the delivery date of the Freya, an $889 unit.  

Now you are paying "thousands"?  

And their "marketing materials are dreadful"? 

Actually schiit does good with their mktg, I am speaking about higher end equip.

I wanted a high end tube pre but home theater options are not true bypass so I settled for schiit which curiously offers tru bypass.  Better be good.   Keep tubes off when in bypass and have a remote that controls power, tough to find both in high end preamps. Million dollars to person finding this combo.
The OP is sounding more and more like "he who shall remain unnamed" (K#$s%*t).

An no, the OP did not make anyone do anything.

From day one, Jason has stated that Schiit is not for everyone and has wholeheartedly endorsed the idea that less-than-satisfied customers (or customers-to-be) go elsewhere.