Women who enjoy quality speakers

In my former marriage i was introduced to high end audio by my husband.

At the time the endless visits to highend shows , meetings and shops annoyed me. Tech talk and not very female friendly designs came and went in my living room.

And although i couldnt get used to all of the above, one thing i learned , how to listen.

Now years further , in my second marriage quality audio wasnt a very well know topic of my husband working in tech. Mediocre cheaper hifi dominated the house, which looked even worse and sounded even a lot worse.

When we talked about new speakers and bang and olufsen was mentioned i knew i had to educate him , to let him know whats on the market and how things can sound.

The revelation ended in buying avalon speakers and simular quality equipement and cables.

Now its up and running i really enjoy music again!

Who would have thought that!

I have never seen a lot of other women enthousiastic about quality sound and music. Are there any in this group? Do your wifes experience the same as i did?

Wishing you all a very musical festive season,

A very happy wife,


My GF loves high end audio that I introduced to her when we met. In fact I set up a system in her house from components I had in storage including Alon Lotus SE mk ll speakers, Nola subwoofer, MIT speaker cables and PS Audio P300 regenerator for source components. 
Nothing is better than listening to music while cooking dinner for her and listening to her favorite album. 
This thread is about equipment, no?  How did it blur into claims that women don't like/appreciate music?  That is preposterous.   Anyone who pretends to think that should probably spend some time in a symphony hall, or just roaming the corridors and practice rooms of a conservatory. 
Well, as long  some of us are talking about wives and speakers..
Some years back I bought my wife a diamond 20 year wedding anniversary ring. She wore it for 2 days then sheepishly asked if I would be offended if we took the ring back to buy some high end speakers. Me offended..of course not! She now wants to update the older Mcintosh Equipment....ah, a marriage made in heaven.