The problem with Magicos

Magicos are very expensive, solidly built and heavy however there is one problem which the speaker engineers didnt think of when it came to designing the speakers. The woofers in a Magico generate sound from both the front and the back. The problem is that the sound from the back is obviously contained inside that big solid enclosure and after it has reflected around the box, it becomes NOISE. So now you have generated NOISE inside the box which has to be dealt with. The only way to get rid of that nasty noise is to cut a hole using a drill into the back of the cabinet. The hole will need to be big enough to vent the noise. The noise will then need to be vented somewhere far away from the listening environment as you dont want to be hearing that while the music is playing. 

The reason Magico speakers are not universally liked is because they are NOISY. They have a lot of distortion coming out of them because all that box noise comes straight out the front of the midwoofers along with the music unbeknown to the listener. Some listeners will not tolerate this while others may not even realize its there because their ears aren't very good. Hence Magicos, have their fair share of detractors.

All the best and do not be cheated.
Kenjit- I suggest that you take your ideas and team up with millercarbon. Instead of trying to take some of the best sounding speakers in the world (Magico), you take millercarbon’s cheap speakers and try to make them better. Drilling holes, attaching springs to the bottom, will probably get millercarbon’s speakers to 
sound better.
BTW, there is nothing wrong with Magico speakers
Take a Mylar kite with a copper tether line, attach the tether to a yttrium needle inserted into an inflated sheep’s bladder, sealed with earwax around the insertion point. Through an opening on the other end of the bladder, attach a length of natural sausage casing with cheap twine, pig intestine is preferred, and the casing end to a Barnum bellows. Direct the bellows exhaust to the intake of a pure silver alembic containing precisely 4 drams of tears from a widowed spinster floating in a pool of mercury. Allow the distilled effluent to drop on to 7 yards of vellum treated with fly agaric extract, stretched tautly over a bronze kettle.

Now, fly the kite when a thunderstorm approaches. A successful lightning strike to the kite will travel down the copper wire, causing the yttrium needle to oscillate at 35.432 fluctons per quaternion. The resulting air displacement through the sausage casing will cause the bellows to increase pressure in the alembic forcing the spinster tears to separate one quantum of mercury gas which will strike the vellum. Due to the fly agaric’s hallucinogenic compounds, the bronze kettle will play Miles Davis’s Bitches Brew with mind-blowing fidelity to such a degree that Magicos, indeed ANY speaker will sound like a grotesquely obese man farting in a bowl of jello.

Gentlemen, as I have demonstrated with this amazing application of Natural philosophy, all Audiophile speaker manufacturers are fools, fools I say!

The OP is obviously onto something here for sure and you all know it.

Everyone knows Magico can do better a better job and this could really help!
Some well placed holes for all that noise and distortion to escape. That’s makes good sense to me!

You know what. I’m going to do it. I am going to drill holes in my Magico’s and then report the results back here to you guys. I’m friends with Sam Atkinson so we can take some measurements to prove this is legit!

I’ll update everyone right here on this thread and let you know.

One quick question. What driver am I supposed to drill the hole in? Was it the teeter or the midrange? Let me know because I want to get this right and drill these holes in the right drivers! I have an awesome new drill and a bunch of new drill bits so please let me know. I’m ready and thanks again. Great post! Wish me luck! 

jet 88, isn't fly agaric known as the amanita muscaria?  Loose the box altogether go Magnepan.
Whatever issue you find with Magicos, it will not change the fact, that I am still missing my S5, after I have upgraded. Probably due to the noise...who knows.