What's your favorite speaker finish?

There are so many beautiful wood veneer speaker finishes that manufactures offer in there premium lines....What are some of your favorites? Cherry, Mahogany, Birdseye Maple, Yew, Rosewood, Walnut etc?
My latest DIY speakers are veneered with blonde Burmese teak veneer that used to be available from Rockler.    I used much #0000 steel wool and very fine sandpapers  in between one coat of Minwax Natural Wood Finsh , four coats of polyeurartane varnish and two coats of spray on lacquer.  I think they look good
Waterfall Bubinga or Flame Mahogany - depending on the size of speaker and figuring of grain.  Outside of speakers in waterfall bubinga, our kitchen table never ceases to elicit wow responses from all who’ve sat at it with us.  Deep waterfall effect with live edges.  People swear I epoxy coated the table for the depth illusion.  
Blonde Burmese teak
About 26 years ago I was motoring on the Irrawaddy River in Myanmar conducting geologic field work.  We passed a small boat anchored with a man on board furiously pumping what looked to be a bicycle tire pump.  We were told a diver was down trying to salvage large teak logs that had become water logged and sunk.  I took another bite of delicious banana leaf wrapped sticky rice and pondered how difficult life can be.
Depends on the environment, but given a choice, nothing beats natural cherry among the common wood veneers, otherwise, mahogany.