Peachtree Grand Integrated X1 vs Parasound Halo Integrated

I’ve been stalking the interweb for a used Parasound HINT to come around at a good price for a while now. Of course in the meantime I am obsessively looking at/ researching every other integrated and separates option known to man, but always seem to come back to the HINT - wins out for its price, HTbypass, bass control, universal respect and love. A Peachtree Grand has come up for sale at my same target price and I am also intrigued by its also stellar reviews, original $4500 price tag, 440w into 8, and seems to do everything I need. My lizard brain says get the $4500 flagship amp, but my gut says the Halo. What say you? Anyone ever compare hands on?  Will be driving my Kef LS50s in a medium/small living room.
there is the issue of circuit design, and quality of parts used...the older Parasounds stated Amp Designed by John Curl, the current ones do not...

True, but again, I go back to the sound quality. I'm sure the amplifier section in the HINT is excellent, but does the end user like it?

One thing about both the Parasound and B&O amps, is they are very neutral.  They don't  really add a lot to the sound. If you are looking for something to be euphonic or add extra richness, neither of those amps would do it.

That's why I'm very interested in knowing what the whole package does. The Peachtree adds tubes, the HINT I have no idea about.  I do like the sound, generally, of the P7 preamp, but I have no idea what is in the HINT. Is it like the JC Preamp? The P7? P5?  I'm just guessing.

At the end of the day, I think they could both be fine choices, but only a listening session would determine the right one.


I own 2 Parasound Halo integrated amps. I doubt I'll ever upgrade. They just have the overall sound I love. Rich best describes them.
They improve the sound of any speaker dramatically. And with dedicated dual subwoofer outs, and an MC or MM phono cart switch, you can't go wrong.