Spendor Classic 1/2

Good day all.  I was ready to finish the interminable speaker search and go with the Devore O93 as the replacement to my trusty SP-1s, when a friend suggested I listen to the Spendor Classic 1/2 ( given how much I have enjoyed the SP1 for 30 years).  Of course there is no local dealer who carries the Classic 1/2; though I believe I can hear the Classic 2/3. So has anyone out there had the opportunity to audition either of the newer Spendor Classic line?  If so, how do they compare sonically to the old SP-1 or the current Devore O93? Or even the other contenders in my search; Proac D30R or Graham LS5/9 floor.  To be used with a leben tube amp ( 32 wpm)
I listen more to the music on the Spendors (jazz, vocals, some pop/soul) and more to the system using the other speakers.

Same here. I notice this every time I throw my Spendor S3/5s in to my system. Which is why I wanted to hear the new Classic series. Unfortunately no one ever had them for demo, even local Spendor dealers.

I actually traced a demo pair to a dealer in Montreal when I was there, came in to hear them, but they suddenly didn’t seem keen on setting them up for me. Instead I got to hear the Devore O/96 speakers there again and they actually had a sound like my Spendors but "on steroids," - that is the same woody, organic tone, but more vivid, greater clarity and nuance, and more dynamic. (Though with sometimes overbearing bass).

Once the pandemic abates I’ll probably go sniffing around for an audition of Spendors again.
I've just bought a used pair of Spendor SP2/3R2 - the model that charmed me a couple of years ago. Actually, they might be the very same speakers I auditioned! Tomorrow I'll get to hear them again - can't wait! I'll post impressions if anyone is interested. 
Well, not much interest shown so I'll be short. They are amazing. The acoustic instruments are incredibly realistic - great tone and timbre. Piano is great, violin is great, acoustic guitar is astonishing. Very musical and inviting midrange. Low end is a bit slow, not particularly tight / punchy and starts gently rolling off around... 50 Hz? (just a guess) Quite (but not very) smooth and extended highs, good enough in my book. I like them more than the aforementioned Classic 100, they are more musically engaging to my ears and perhaps, just perhaps, more insightful in the mids and highs (!).

Did I mention they are amazing?
I had a set of Spendor SP1/2Es for several years. Absolutely one of the finest midranges I've heard -- if voice and smaller group or solo unamplified acoustic instruments were your thing, they may be one of the finest speakers out there. Bass was a bit weak, especially if you liked processed or electronic material, but within their element they were fantastic. I only ended up selling them because the wife said the 1970s boxes had to leave our living room. Even though I like my current speakers (Ohm 1000s in my main stereo and GE BRXs in the smaller system), there are days I still miss them.