Bought some 14/2 “speaker wire” from Home Depot

So I decided to amuse myself and on a recent trip to the Home Depot I bought some 14 gauge speaker wire. 25 ft for under $11.
I have what I think is a good system and my current speaker wires are analysis plus mesh oval 9 terminated in spades. My system is noted in my profile.
I substituted in the 14/2 I picked up- each leg is about 9.5 ft. Tinned bare wire at each end. I did use 4% silver solder.
Quite listenable, though perhaps not as extended at the high end. If someone told me I had to use the Home Depot wire I’d get along just fine. Leads me to one of 4 possible conclusions- 1- my hearing stinks; 2- my fancy Analysis Plus cables aren’t anything special; 3- my system isn’t resolving enough to make a difference; 4- given sufficient gauge, cable is cable. Of course, it’s also possible that my system is so good, any wire will allow that to shine through 
Your thoughts, comments, etc appreciated 

Well, you are guessing! 
Tire pressure at your car wheels are calculated and given (on the drivers door side, as STD.)
Your speaker cables should be the same. It's not that complicated...
Tell me the Amp's DF and length required, I'll calculate it for you.

Anything thicker, won't hurt, but also won't sound any better.
Anything thinner - should be rectified. The sooner, the better.
It is nothing about 4% silver (sounds so exotic, worth nothing: Silver conducts only 5% better than copper, but costs 130 times more! 4% of 5% is 4/100 x 5/100 =  0.002...)
The Home Depot is as good as Radio Shack or eBay.

It's about VFM or price. 

This is classic case of skin effect, the individual wires on the analysis plus are smaller than the 14/2 conductors allowing more highs through.  Conclusion #5: the gauge of each insulated conductor in a cable dictates skin effect witch in turn affect the tonal response of the cable.
@zavato - It's not only about the metal in a wire...

I started with a "nice looking" wire with clear insulation. Had it in the system for about 4 years, until one day, I wanted to change the length of the wire.

First thing I noticed - the previously bright copper was now very dull (almost black). When I striped the insulation there was a slimy deposit on the wire - the insulation was degrading

At that point I looked for a better wire and switched to Van den Hul speaker wire
- WOW! - the performance was so much better
- I upgraded to the next gauge size up to achieve better bass performance

Fast forward 20 years later - I go into my old cable box and took out a piece of the first Van den Hul wire for another system - when I strip the insulation - no slimy deposit and the wire was still as bright as the day I bought it 

So that very affordable wire may not be doing your system any favours over the long haul

And that is just the tip of the "cable iceberg'
- different types of metal
- different type of insulation
- different cable geometries
- etc...

Regards - Steve

you do realize that the most important part of every post I’ve ever made is the photo of Ms. Boyd. 
I once changed the photo to something else and responses to my posts after that essentially ignored my posts and wondered why I switched pictures. 
Realizing the errors of my ways Ms. Boyd returned.