Bought some 14/2 “speaker wire” from Home Depot

So I decided to amuse myself and on a recent trip to the Home Depot I bought some 14 gauge speaker wire. 25 ft for under $11.
I have what I think is a good system and my current speaker wires are analysis plus mesh oval 9 terminated in spades. My system is noted in my profile.
I substituted in the 14/2 I picked up- each leg is about 9.5 ft. Tinned bare wire at each end. I did use 4% silver solder.
Quite listenable, though perhaps not as extended at the high end. If someone told me I had to use the Home Depot wire I’d get along just fine. Leads me to one of 4 possible conclusions- 1- my hearing stinks; 2- my fancy Analysis Plus cables aren’t anything special; 3- my system isn’t resolving enough to make a difference; 4- given sufficient gauge, cable is cable. Of course, it’s also possible that my system is so good, any wire will allow that to shine through 
Your thoughts, comments, etc appreciated 


Showing 13 responses by zavato

I tinned the ends to prevent any stray strands. The wire I bought is all copper- not copper clad aluminum. 
And Ms. Boyd is always happy - which is the most important thing 
Re dedicated line- i did that in my prior home and it was without a doubt the single biggest improvement, dollar for dollar, that I ever made. Did a home run to the panel with 10 gauge. Electrician thought I was nuts when I asked for 10 gauge. 

the Uber cheap 14/2 was a for sh*ts and giggles. 
My Analysis Plus cables are much longer than I currently need so I’m just fooling around with wire now. Fwiw- I do think the oval 9’s are very good. 
The original oval 9’s (mine are a later revision) do have a reputation to discolor 

you do realize that the most important part of every post I’ve ever made is the photo of Ms. Boyd. 
I once changed the photo to something else and responses to my posts after that essentially ignored my posts and wondered why I switched pictures. 
Realizing the errors of my ways Ms. Boyd returned. 

what’s fascinating is that you mis-state what I said and then rail against your revised version of what I said- 

No I never said the 14/2 was indistinguishable from my Analysis Plus cables - or in your own words “can’t hear any difference”

My main point is that the 14/2 isn’t dreadful. And it’s not my long term choice either.  I suggest that if in your system copper 14/2 is something you could not endure for even a minute there is something very off going on in your system and your speakers cables are being used in a symbiotic relationship with other components to fix something. 
I'm not in a tiff- maybe you are, but hey, if that's your deal, so it's OK.  I am perfectly able to thoroughly enjoy music on an FM car radio in a noisy car and a top shelf audio system with equal measure. Sure, better reproduction is better, but enjoying the song? the two are not the same- 

BTW, nice to see you admit you are a troll. I definitely am not- 
Hello all- I started this trouble! And now, I’m glad to say that I have put back my Analysis Plus speaker cables. Yes, it’s better but I stand by my original comment- the 14/2 was not a horror. It was livable but not optimal (assuming anything can be optimal of course)

i thank all for their comments and observations 

“I've got some string that used to work between two tin cans. Can I use that?”

depends on the material the string is made of, the geometry, and thickness 
b_limo said- You can get your AP cables cut down and Re-terminated.  

Turns out that's what I did- and now run a short 6 fort run from my amp to each speaker

FWIW- my experiment is over- I'm using the AP cables and am quite pleased