SET amps

What tubes are a good balance of great intimate sound and budget? Any suggestions for amp kits and builders? $1500 budget Or so. Any options?
Thanks Imhififan ,Jond and Riley. I would love the audionote but over my budget. As is the don garber listed on Agon. 
The elekit has good reviews as does the set45 by Alan Eaton. One other very small builder analog ethos AE1 with 6l6 tubes was recommended by Omega Speakers but Luis Chacko has not heard it. He likes the design of the ae1 and also recommended the elekit. 
Since I can’t hear them its very difficult. If I knew which tube to go with that would be a big step. Maybe I’m making too much out of this but I don’t think there is much resale value in kit amps and if I don’t like it I just wasted $1500.
Also my first tube experience was with a primaluna prologue 2 which I had for years and just recently sold.. right now I’m running a nait 2 with omega 3xrs in a listening area 13x15 but the rooms are open concept. I find the nait 2 in the room too shrill but my listening area is very very lively. Still I enjoy the nait. Just looking for the next step. 
I would go to HiFiShark and search for names of amp builders like Burgess, Deja Vu, etc. These are small-batch builders who make a good amplifier at a reasonable price - especially if pre-owned. Good 300b tubes tend to be expensive.
I started with the Primaluna PL2.   Moved to a Decware Mini Torii using the same speakers (Ref 3A de Capos).  Can't play as loud but loud enough and a very sweet sound.  It's a single ended pentode design.