the sound of massed violins in classical orchestral recordings

why do massed violins have this sort of gritty sandpapery reverberation in classical orchestral recordings?even in some sections of a piece, when the violins are playing softly in the background, you hear that gritty overtone more than the melody.when I listen to the Houston symphony in Jones Hall,sitting fourth row, facing the violin section, I don't hear that sound.I have three systems { two of them mid-fi ] and I hear the same thing-even with all instances, the other parts of the orchestra are clear.  my main system : Vanalistine Trancendence 10 tube preamp,a 35 year old solid state Proton D1200 amp, [have tried NAD,Project, Musical Fidelity amps--they don't sound any better],Onkyo dx7555 CD player [Stereophile class B],and Project Carbon turntable with Grado Black 2 cartridge [ the Ortophon Red was too bright ] through Magnepan MG12/QR speakers.Tried a highly regarded Elac speaker--no change as far as the violins go, but way inferior to those dramatic Maggies.So, there you have it. Is it the equipment? Is the state of the art not up to recording violins? Is it me? [its o.k.-I can take it}. In closing,a couple of years ago,I had phone conversation with a well known person associated with a major speaker company about this. His response :[ paraphrased ] Violins are a problem--don't like 'em.  Any input will be appreciated. Thanks.
Several years ago I copied tracks from a variety of CDs on to one CD-R so it would be easier to carry around when auditioning equipment.  One of the tracks was the first movement of the Barber violin concerto played by Shaham, exactly the recording you mention.  So we have a concrete data point in common.  I put the Barber on the CD-R precisely as a test of violin reproduction (as well as bass--those falling two-note bass figures in the background).

What I can tell you is this: the DGG recording is never going to be described as forgiving, but it can be played on equipment without inducing the slightest wince, grimace, or tensing of the muscles.  It just depends on the equipment in the system, because these days listening to that recording at home is a pleasant and rewarding experience.

While I'm at it let me recommend this recording of a consort of viols as a wonderful test of overall timbral reproduction of stringed instruments (as well as an excellent CD):

if you choose to replace your old amp, I would suggest a home trial of a neutral sounding one such as the Benchmark AHB2.  100 wpc, same as yours.  Sounds fine with massed violins in my system.
larry5729...You are opening a can of worms when you imply that some speakers may be better than others at playing certain genres. I started a thread on this subject looking for speakers that were considered especially adept at playing classical, and particularly the violin, and I was blasted. More than one poster called the idea ridiculous and insisted that a good speaker will play all genres equally well. Some of them weren't very nice about how they said it.
larry5729...BTW, I listen mostly to classical and I am very happy with my Harbeth Super HL5 Plus speakers. 

Ironic, I just started a thread on that subject.  Let’s see what happens.