Mint LP Best Protractor

Does anyone know where to purchase a Mint LP Best Protractor other than from Mint LP?
I’ve been trying their web sight for a week and it doesn’t work.
My turntable is a VPI Super Prime Scout with a 10.5 inch VPI JMW UNI Pivot tonearm?

Its only madness if you make it so. Some look at turntable geometry and drive themselves crazy trying to optimize every tiny little thing from an engineering/geometry point of view. Long arm, tangential arm, this protractor, that protractor. Its real easy to spend more time aligning than listening, and more money on setup than the rig itself.

Or you can take the sane approach, recognize no matter what you do its never gonna be perfect. But it will sound absolutely awesome nonetheless!  

Then you realize this is just as likely whether you download and print a jig for free, or pay thousands for all the gizmo's. The cartridge can be properly aligned every bit as good with paper, eyeballs, and a $20 Shure stylus force gauge. I am not kidding. Look at my rig. 

My first table was a Basis with the Graham arm. The Graham is fairly unique in that it has a detachable armwand with a jig that is used to align the cartridge, eliminating all the protractor steps. Its why I bought it, because so many people had succeeded in brainwashing me into thinking how hard this all is. Its not. Its simple. 

If you print one of the free downloads just be sure and place the paper on a used record. That way your alignment will be done at the same level as when playing a record. Which is the primary benefit of the MoFi Disk, its designed to emulate a record, only one with the geometry marked right on it.

But whatever. Point is you go through all the same few simple steps no matter what. Also no matter what you do the arm swings through an arc while playing every record. No matter how perfectly you sweat the precision its only precise at two points across the whole record. So why sweat it? If you are off by some tiny fraction of a millimeter all that means is the two places where its perfect are shifted a little one way or another. 

I can totally get that its hard being new to hear something like this. You got a slew of people repeating the same old same old, and its quite a bit different than this. Well, get used to it. There's a whole lot of stuff people repeat over and over and over again. Repeating the same wrong stuff over and over again doesn't ever make it true. Go and listen. You will see.
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If you want the most accurate, I find the mint is the easiest to get perfect from my experience. The p2s must be exact though. I now also use a smart tractor as I have multiple arms. It is quicker to use but i feel it’s not as easy to see alignment perfectly as well as the mint is. The smart tractor also makes up for the p2s not being 100%. 
"Thats why I came here to ask the experts."

If you rely on the "experts" here, then dump the VPI. It's "wrong" VPI/HW doesn't know what they're doing.

As mentioned any jig is going to be "correct" only in 2 points of the arc. HW came up with their compromise which seems to be worthy of using for the line. Getting more "I know" advice guarantees increased nervosa, and takes away from actually enjoying your perfectly fine setup.

Not a knock on trying other jigs.I have the Feikert, and found it to be a waste of money. Can't hear a clear sonic improvement between it and, the supplied VPI jig. Just my $0.02 cents. You may hear something? Some say they do, it's their  ears.

A primo condition period press of Led Zeppelin or a 1958 mono Blue Note is more worthy of nervosa, IMO. That's even argued to death.

Great sound is the sum of parts involved.