Great Intergated amp with great built in DAC

Does anyone have a great integrated with a great DAC built in? Only those who own one respond please.
Question for the OP -- you gave no indication of price range or needed power. That would help narrow things down. 
Thanks to all who have given suggestions so far. My budget is about 12k for speakers and amp With DAC new or used. The room is 13x 20 fully treated with GIG panels and bass traps. I do have a pair of REL 7ti subs if needed. All my listening these days is from a vault with my cds loaded and streaming.
@needlebrush What kind of sound do you like? Listening preferences and goals? Does this number include speaker cables, etc? Assuming you have ethernet or wifi? At $12k, depending on your goals, you should be able to put together a really nice setup.