Peter Green

Peter Green.....Man of the World.....RIP

By the way, Peter's first solo album after leaving FM---entitled The End Of The Game---was liked by some musicians I at the time knew, but was not to my taste. I haven't heard it since.

At that same time, the new Fleetwood Mac put out an album I loved, and still do---Kiln House. 

What a shame but what a weird coincidence as I was going through my CD's yesterday and went ; " I haven't  listened to this guy in awhile and I could use some real good blues right about now …." I put on a Peter Green CD. I always enjoyed the tonal sound of his guitar and I also enjoyed the way he interpreted Robert Jonhson's music.  He just hope he was at peace with himself...….great, great musician. Thank you Peter for the smiles you brought me              
One of the all time greats.  Check out the film documentary about him.  It's interesting to hear how influential he was to other musicians.  And then there's the drugs and mental illness.