Bach suites for solo cello-best Tidal or Qobuz recording?

There are about 70 recordings of Bach’s solo cello suites on Tidal and Qobuz. Some are by famous performers...Ma, Starker, Dupre, Casals, Rostropovich, Harrell. Others are by lesser known but excellent cellists.  They can be very different in both performance and recording quality.  I’m interested in performances that are the best in both respects. Would welcome suggestions.  
Thanks Mike. Great information. In these crazy times, I really enjoy listening to the many different performances of these pieces.  I’m listening to the 2012 Wispelwey performance now...I think that’s the most recent one you suggested...and liking it very much for both the performance and sound.  I recommend it to anyone who wants to lay back and relax.  
Yes, in these times I prefer familiar music, or at least music not too strident or challenging. I'm listening to less Shostakovich and other 20th century composers; more to Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, and Bach.

It is striking how much my taste for music has contracted, with all the external chaos.

I agree with @mike_in_nc :
There are various schools of performance, ranging from quite HIP (historically influenced performance) to romantic. 

While I may listen to different recordings for different purposes, my personal favorite is Yo-Yo Ma’s complete cello suites. I don’t have Quboz or Tidal, so here is a Primephonic link:
Fournier very sober and spiritual rendering is my favorite....If sound matter the most, try Queyras another french master....
I had a listen to Wispelwey version #3 from 2012. They are quite idiosyncratic performances. I think Starker would make a great foil to this.