FR64 cartridge suggestions

Been out of the loop for quite a few years due to some 'life' events, with system in storage.

I have been able to pull my system from storage, and last year worked enough overtime to upgrade or purchase new equipment, but I have not upgraded my turntable/tonearm/cartridge yet.

My turntable is a Technics SL1000 MKII which for those not familiar, is the Technics SP10 MKII turntable mounted on a factory plinth.
I have two Technics B-500 bases with an 'E' armwand and 'H' armwand that I don't use.
The tonearm I do use is a Fidelity Research FR64, so I need a low compliance cartridge.
The cartridge I used last is a vintage Fidelity Research FR-1 MK3 F, which needs to be re-tipped, and I will do so once I get a replacement.

The rest of the system includes:

Zesto 1.2 Andros tube phono stage
Zesto 1.5 tube preamp
Quicksilver V4 tube amps (new KT150 version)
Green Mountain Audio Continuum 3 speakers
JL Audio 113 Fathom subwoofers (pair)

Curious what cartridges other high mass tonearm owners are using, especially those who use Fidelity Research FR64/66 tonearms.

Looking for cartridges under $2000 USD at most.. probably should spend half that.

I have over 20K records, so I am very anxious to get this back into service.

Really curious about suggestions and thanks in advance.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrich121


BTW I assume that you mean with FR-64 the 64S (S=steel).

There is also an FR-64 with aluminum arm wand and round

lateral balance."

I have one of each, one is the 'S'  (With "Silver Wire Inside" sticker) which is at the Ikeda shop in Japan right now getting refurbish/regrease/rewire with Ikeda silver, the other, which has the "round lateral weight" is mounted to my SL1000 MK2.  I have seen 2 different places spec both of these arms as to having the same effective mass, one says 35 grams, (vinyl engine) the other (1986 Stereo Review Stereo Buyers Guide) says 30 grams.

How much 'better' is the 'S' model?

I plan to use the 'S' version when I get it back from Ikeda on my newly acquired SL1000 MK3. 
Hopefully the guide pin issue is solved soon, still waiting.


i'm still wondering how did you proceed with Ikeda service of the old FR tonearm ? Just through their website ? Is that expensive ? 
Does anyone have a contact for "Tien" ?
Maker of B-60 clone.

who's got his email ?
Did you look for his eBay ad?  Probably it's been taken down, because I don't think he makes them any more for regular sale, but I certainly could be wrong.