How do you go about selling large speakers?

Hi, I enjoy this site and reading and learning about other peoples systems. I am a very low budget music lover. I have a pair of mint Cervin Vega VS-150s. They are very large. They sound great and are in incredible condition. I think I bought them around 1994ish. I have no idea how to find the people who would enjoy them. Too big to ship. I have looked for audiophile groups locally. I am just having no luck. Not high end I realize, but if anyone here could kind of point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it. 


Besides Craigslist, posting an Ebay listing with local pickup would be another way.
I prefer the latter as CL is populated by some rather sketchy characters, at least Ebay will allow you to filter the responses.
Sorry, not fishing at all. I seriously was looking for advice on selling the speakers. I realize they are not "high end" speakers. I got some good advice and am using it. They are big and thought I could get some good advice, which I did. You on the other hand should not respond to threads you are not interested in. 
Put on ads for band equipment like gear slutz , craigs list ,
used band equipment good for starters .
You are going to find many people on this site feel that you are "not worthy" of posting your FEEBLE question because some people think that it's not true HIFI gear. I am not one of those other helpful members said CL is most likely your best bet.
Happy Listening