is this the greatest live band of all time?

l know everybody has there own opinion however you be the judge?
+ 1 Vermonster: My first concert was the J Geils Band opening for Humble Pie in the fall of 72. This was the first tour for both since they released their seminal live albums: "Full House" & "Rockin' At The Fillmore" respectively. As good as Humble Pie was, J Geils was better; and, it was indeed all about their "energy."

I've seen 484 concerts since that one and I have only seen one band that remotely reminds me of the J Geils Band. That is Low Cut Connie. They are a fairly new band out of Philadelphia. Imagine a cross between the    J Geils Band and Jerry Lee Lewis and/or Little Richard and you'll get the picture.  They are an absolute riot live. If you're lucky enough to catch them, it will be in a small to medium sized club, which only intensifies the effect.    
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Steppenwolf-1970. John Kay with a black leather, one piece jumpsuit with Saturn embroidered on the front... and mirror shades. Goldly McJohn on Hammond B3, sporting this giant beard and huge red (?) Afro. Pretty amazing. I loved 3 Dog Night about that same time. Their live album was and is pretty darn good. 
Reading all in this thread and it brings back memories of so many great concerts.  I have seen nearly all of those mentioned, above.  What is really cool is for those mentioned with specific dates.  Hey, I was at that. Hey, I was at that one, too.  I think The Who is probably the most stand-out concert memories for me.  The one at Anaheim Stadium, Summer of 1970, was a revelation.  Then again, in December of 1971 at the Long Beach Arena doing their North American Tour of "Who's Next".  But really, this list just goes on and on.  I don't recall reading above that anyone mentioned Alice Cooper.  I saw them play 3 times.  Same is true for The Tubes.  Really wonderful experiences that I will never forget.  I still play the albums from all of these bands.  Awesome music!