Best tube preamplifier for under $15k

Let’s hear it guys, what’s your favorite. 
+1 Audio Note they make great sounding preamps $15K would get you into an M3 I believe. Also look at Shindo preamps there are a few in your price range. Both AN and Shindo give what I would describe as a more natural sound.
Best tube preamplifier for under $15k

The best preamp will be the one that sounds the closest to a piece of wire.
Guess what? that's what direct source to power amp does, (if your source has a volume control).
If not then passive pre is next inline, if your system is impedance friendly for one (90% of systems are).

Cheers George   
Shindo Monbrisson, VAC Renaissance, Herron VTSP, Jadis JPS2 or JP80MC (used) and Lamm LL2.1 would be my short list, depending on your sonic preferences.