Spendor D7 vs. Harbeth Super HL5+

Anyone who has heard both? Comparisons? I own the Harbeth. Curious about the difference with the Spendor. What brand and type of amp used. Thanks!
I heard them both 2 years ago at Hawthorne Audio, "A nice place" or so the sign says as you enter. I included the Tannoy Cheviots with the other two. All were retail of $6,500-$7,500 as I recall.

The first one I ruled out was the Harbeth. Only because the voices
sounded almost horn like. But the tone of instruments was heavenly.

The Cheviots had the smoothest sound. However were less engaging to me.
Odd since later I ended up buying a different model Tannoy.

The D7 was my overall favorite. Though now I can not recall exactly
why. Must have been the sound of the female vocals-my main preference.

Hawthorne's listening room, as many others are, features the Naim integrated streamer. About $4,500?
Your eyes are diverted to the mini screen showing the album art instead of tending to listening
carefully.  Millennial eye candy. I like to close my eyes anyway.

I now want to go back and spend more time listening to the HL5+ again.
There is something about the talking cabinets that was a new experience for me.

Some articles seem to favor the 30.2s over the HL5+s.
Any comment on that comparison?
At the end of the day both Harbeth and Spendor are great brands.  The Ideal for me however is Graham Audio; sits soundwise in between the romantic sounding Harbeth and more neutral sounding Spendor. And great bass too. Cheers Leon 
Forgot the following, have owned both the HL5 and the 30.1. The HL5 needs more space , but to me its a more engaging sound than the 30.1. perhaps the 30.2 is different. However i changed my 30.1 for a pair of Graham Audio Ls6 and cldnt be more happy. Cheers Leon
The Spendor D series has been upgraded with the 7.2 and 9.2.
From what I've read it sounds more like subtle tweaks than radical changes; has anyone heard the new series?

I have the D9 and drive it with a Pass X250.8 and really like it.
Before purchasing the D9 I listened to the HL5+ and 40.2, B&W 804D3 and Kef Reference.    I thought the Spendor fit nicely in the middle between the highly detailed/revealing and punchy B&W and Kef, while still providing a mid-range centric sound like the Harbeth.  Both the midrange warmth and high freq detail was not at the extreme of the others, but as a whole package it was my favorite.   The D series driven by the slightly warm and romantic Pass makes for a very nice combo to my ear.

Darko gives a cool comparison of the D7.2 and the Classic 1/2 which I've never heard but assume would sound more like the Harbeths.


Good Luck...

FYI the SHL5+ as well as other Harbeth models (including the larger M 40.2) sound best when treated like nearfield monitors, e.g. an equilateral triangle arrangement.   sounds more detailed and focused and yields the largest sound stage.