My record player sounds slightly high pitched

A few months ago my records started sounding really high pitched. I went in to see if the belt slipped, and it had, I fixed it and then it sounded a lot better, but still not quite right. Which is where I am now. I just switched out the needle so it’s not that I would imagine. My brand of record player is Jopostar, (which is a cheaper brand I think so maybe that has something to do with it?) if that helps. Any ideas?
If the belt is or was slipping, I would have guessed that the music might sound "flat" or slightly lower in frequency in other words.  Not "high pitched".  I suspect that the turntable may be running too fast, at a speed greater than 33.33 rpm. To test this, the cheapest accurate method is to purchase a strobe device.  The very best strobe device is that made by KAB Audio; it's a complete kit, but it is not cheap. On the other hand it is a very worthwhile piece of test gear to have around.  You can order one from the KAB website.
Download and print this free strobe disk and use under fluorescent light to determine if this really is a speed related problem.