Dedicated 20 amp circuit - Electrician laughed!

I brought my electrician out to my house today to show him where I would like to install a dedicated 20a circuit for my system.  He laughed and said that's the stupidest thing he's heard and laughs when people talk about it.  It said, if you're going to do it, you have to have it separately grounded (shoving a new 8 foot rod into the ground) but even then, he sees no way there can be an audible improvement.

Now, he's not just an electrician though. He rebuilds tube amps on the side and tears apart amps and such all the time so he's quite well versed in audio electronics and how they operate.

He basically said anyone who thinks they hear a difference is fooling themselves.  

Personally, I'm still not sure, I'm no engineer, my room's not perfect, and I can't spend hours on end critical listening...  But, he does kinda pull me farther to the "snake oil" side and the "suggestive hearing" side (aka, you hear an improvement because you want to hear it).

I'm not taking a side here but I thought it was interesting how definitive he was that this not only WILL not make a difference but ALMOST CANNOT make a difference. 
The ground is a great idea.

Well. It certainly is a great.... idea.

Remember above where I said
Grounds are funny. I could write double this amount on grounds alone. Its nowhere near as simple as its made out to be.

Well, there’s a reason I said that: grounds really are funny. I really could write twice as much just about grounds. But don’t worry, I’m getting even sicker of writing than you are of reading.

Cliff Notes version: Tried it every way you can think of. Only thing made any real difference was using the (easily triggered? Stop reading now!) Synergistic Research ground. No not the SR grounding block, just the ground connection they provide on the Euphoria Level III IC. Instead of the expensive SR grounding block I connect it to my own (possibly safe to start reading again) DIY grounding block, also known as a bolt with nuts and washers.

So unless you are fond of using the world’s best wire made by the only man known to trigger more people than me I would move the ground rod a little further on down the list.
In my last home my system shared the line with my fridge. Putting in a 20 amp home run was one of the BEST things I ever did for my system 
"He laughed and said that's the stupidest thing he's heard and laughs when people talk about it." 

Apparently YOUR electrician does not appreciate additional billable hours.
It’s a lifetime hobby and while “ everything matters “, what can the OP  both afford and have appetite to do  right now ?

Charlie - we ran a dedicated transformer at the street just for a listening room in Pidunk Ohio in 1985, better speed up dude :-)