New TT for ~$1500

My birthday is coming up and I will be asking for a *new* TT. Budget is up to $1500, but preferably closer to $1k. I would be comfortable pitching in another few hundred $$$ for a good cartridge if I get a table without one. Was thinking:
Rega P3, maybe P6 if I really stretch the budget (that'd be over my $1500 mark)

MoFi StudioDeck
Clearaudio Concept (I have a lead on a lightly used one with low hours, bundled with an Artist V2 cart, but might make gift giving awk)

Pro-Ject X2 w/ Sumiko Moonstone

Any thoughts?

It irks me too but Chakster is Russian. I bet his English is better than your Russian!
Why does everybody have such a problem typing the word 'lose' ????!!!!!!!!

Nothing Toulouse if you're in France :) 
Another vote for the Technics 1200GR !!

BTW, do you currently have a turntable now, or will this new purchase be your first?